Monday 21 May 2012

Are You Ready For Love?

Are You Ready For Love? 

 Anyone can fall in love, whether you were looking for it or it just happened it is not something the average person can control. But what does it mean to be ready for love?

 Think back to your first love...that person who made you feel a way you couldn't explain. Sweaty palms, irregular heartbeat and nauseous butterflies whenever they looked at you. How do you feel about that person now?

 Congratulations if you're lucky enough to still be madly deeply in love with that person (if reciprocated- worryingly sad if unrequited!) but for most it is not the case. Most people cringe when they think of their first "love" or question whether what they felt was even love at all!

 Now years older, experienced with the pain of heartache and heartbreak we find ourselves at a point where despite the damage that's been done to our hearts over the years we still long to love and be loved but this time with a guarded heart. The only person who can break your guarded heart has to be willing to run across a minefield, climb over the highest brick wall topped with barbed wire, swim through shark infested waters to search for the key to open the locked and bolted safe that contains your precious and tender heart. So what happens when they get there? Does the marathon effort automatically make them worthy of your love?


 Kudos for the effort and all but if you're not ready to love or that person is not ready to be loved all the effort is potentially wasted!

Scenario time:

1) Person A meets Person B at a bar. There was no intention of going out to meet someone but it just happened that they met and liked the vibe of each other. They arrange to meet up again and again and after a length of time they "fall in love". If neither or one of them are ready for love what happens next?

2) Person C has been single for a while, maybe they thought their ex was the one but it didn’t work out. They feel a bit lonely, maybe finished education; have a job, maybe savings, maybe their own place or intention of getting one. Everything is in place all they're missing is their other half. This person is ready for love. They acknowledge that they need/want someone to share their world; they are not going to hang about if they meet somebody deemed worthy of their love. Once that person makes the journey to retrieve the key and unlocks their heart it’s a wrap! They already know what's next...God willing- marriage, house and kids!

Person A and B had love thrust upon them, it "just happened" they "fell” in love and now they don't know what to do in it. By the time they figure it out, Person C and Person D are probably married already living that happily ever after life because they knew what they wanted! If you are like Person C you need to find your Person D cos if you end up with a Person A/B you may end up mighty frustrated asking yourself (and that person)...where is this going?